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Managing Chronic Pain: Therapies for Mind and Body

to train your mind to change your perception of pain. Counseling and support groups ... Chronic pain support groups can help you feel less isolated. They can also give you tips for coping with

Prevent Abusive Head Trauma

, throwing, or dropping babies and toddlers can have dangerous results. A baby's neck muscles can't support ... likely need lifelong medical care. Nearly all victims of AHT suffer serious, long-term health

The Benefits of Cardiac Rehabilitation

disease and find ways to improve them. You may receive counseling or attend classes that can help you ... the importance of taking all of your medications correctly. This is important to your recovery and ... angina;angioplasty;attacks;benefits;bypass surgery;emotional support;exercises;food;heart health

Spinal Muscular Atrophy in Children

missing gene called SMN1. SMA is an autosomal recessive disease. This means that all children are equally ... affected. And it means that one copy or missing copy of the faulty gene from each parent (2 total

Breast Cancer: Support for Metastatic Cancer

*Breast Cancer Metastatic Support ... support, counseling, and resources specific to you. Your hospital may have a social worker, navigator ... your feelings. If all the offers of help and support are overwhelming, it may be a good idea to ... metastatic breast cancer;breast cancer;support groups;16158

Planning the Care of Your Aging Parents

Caring for Aging Parents ... act One day, all the signs may point to the need for you to actively step in to assist your parents ... Many children of aging parents wait until there's a crisis, and then they're left scrambling ... aging parents;taking of aging parents;signs of aging parents;advance planning for aging parents;1,1845

Usher Syndrome in Children

parents to their children. It may be inherited when both parents are carriers of an abnormal (harmful ... ) gene. If both parents have a harmful change in the same gene, they have a 1 in 4 chance of having a

School Refusal

a parent figure. This type of fear often goes away a few days after the child starts school ... phobia is seen in children who are truly distressed about leaving their parent and going to school

Getting Support for Quitting Smoking

When you are trying to quit, the support of friends, coworkers, and family members can make a ... big difference. Getting Support for Quitting Smoking You don’t have to go through the ... 84655;getting support for quitting smoking;smoking, quitting, support

Coping with a Diagnosis of Cancer in Children

help all of you cope better with your child's disease. Use support groups and other resources ... illness. You could help other parents and their families by sharing your experiences in a support

Psychologist, Neuropsychologist, and Psychiatrist: Physical Rehabilitation

These specialists work with the rehab team to offer counseling and support for the patient ... medicine. But they have earned a PhD. Psychologists help: Counsel people and their families during

Phenylketonuria (PKU) in Children

changed to tyrosine, which helps create all of the body's proteins. But with PKU, the amino acid can ... build up in the bloodstream and cause harm. PKU is found with a simple blood test. All newborn babies in

When Your Child Has Sickle Cell Anemia

cell anemia get one sickle cell gene from each parent. If a child gets a sickle cell gene from one ... parent and a normal gene from the other parent, it’s called sickle cell trait. Children with sickle

Understanding Safe Surrender of Your Baby

state. All 50 states and Puerto Rico have safe surrender laws. What is a safe surrender site? There ... in a dangerous way. These laws help make sure this can happen. The laws ensure that parents are

Family Support for Autism Spectrum Disorder

*ASD Family Support ... family. Some children with ASD are less affected than others. The importance of support Parents of ... better the outcome often is. Support for parents Parents also benefit from a strong support ... autism spectrum disorder, autism, asperger syndrome;coping with asperger;support for asperger;asperger symptoms;asperger behavior;24

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Children

, coping skills, and ability to bounce back. It's also affected by the level of family support. Parents ... with other parents who have a child with PTSD may be helpful. Take all symptoms of depression and

Anencephaly in Children

, the brain isn't fully formed. It often lacks part or all of the cerebrum. Anencephaly in ... often lacks part or all of the cerebrum. The cerebrum is the area of the brain used for thinking

Mental Health: Finding the Help You Need

personal relationships. Be cautious when using online support groups. Red flags for online sites ... You should also get help if someone who knows you well suggests that you go to counseling. Or if you

Radiation Therapy: Support and Resources

Use these resources to help you learn about radiation therapy. Radiation Therapy: Support and ... Getting support You are not facing cancer treatment alone. Keep a list of any questions you have for

Genetic Services for Cancer Diagnosis: When, Where, How

may need genetic counseling. Read on to learn where to find these services and how they can help ... family members with two primary cancers (two original tumors that develop in different sites

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